Renee's Reality

Renee Albrecht |

With the 4th of July already behind us, we hope you were able to enjoy the holiday, even in this “Social Distancing” new world.  We are doing our best to enjoy the outside as much as possible. 

On a personal note, my oldest son got engaged and we are so excited to welcome our soon to be, new “daughter” to our family! 

Even in times when the world seems so angry and crazy, I am holding onto the many blessing that are still out there.

We live in an ever-changing world, remember to evaluate what is most important to you.  Do you have a nest egg for emergencies?  Are your beneficiaries up to date?  Is your retirement fully funded?  Do you have life insurance for the most important people in your life if something should happen?

What steps can you take today to change the outcome for your future?

We are here to help you along the way, whether it be a full financial plan to keep you on track and or an investment plan that will prepare you for life's ever-changing events.

Have a safe, healthy, and amazing Summer!

All the Best,
